Perasan A (Code #409525)

Perasan A is a food grade sanitizer used in the dairy, food and beverage processing industry for C.I.P. pipeline cleaning, sanitizing, bottle and filler sanitizing, and disinfection.  It is also used in the treatment of cooling water, process and waste water. Additional uses are for slime and bio-fouling control, sulfite and odor reduction, and for cleaning UF and RO membranes. Peroxyacetic acid solutions are also used for disinfection in human and veterinary applications including hospitals.  


Perasan A is a food grade sanitizer used in the dairy, food and beverage processing industry for C.I.P. pipeline cleaning, sanitizing, bottle and filler sanitizing, and disinfection.  It is also used in the treatment of cooling water, process and waste water. Additional uses are for slime and bio-fouling control, sulfite and odor reduction, and for cleaning UF and RO membranes. Peroxyacetic acid solutions are also used for disinfection in human and veterinary applications including hospitals.